11-04-2004, 12:58 PM
Rapta111 Wrote:Did you factor in the fast cast from Arach's? And having a Lidless or Splendor can increase your FCR even more.not using arachs.... snowclash does more (+2 to blizz) then arachs +1 to all skills.... and no, people can survive 15k blizz but they cant survive 17k
2k isn't too much of an issue if you are thinking defensively like Resists. Unless you have a full inv of +all res charms, it would be better to use a Sanctuary instead, since almost every build these days tend to have SOME SORT of elemental damage.
And that much damage is basically overdoing it. Counting in cold mastery, you do much more damage than needed to 1-hit KO an opponent. IMO, max damage is not the way to go.