12-10-2004, 10:35 PM
ken2520 Wrote:i have never ever seen that bugged thing.. its so fake tho lol and btw that build isnt that good since if u maxed dragon flight...................wats the point.....id rather spend 19 points on maxing that cloaking thing not fade that one that u cast on ppl ... or lightning sentry to hurt ppl while u ww them and chase em
I dont need IAS, cause WW`s attack speed is the same if you have -100 or +100 IAS.
Fade gives bonus to resist and DMG Reduce %.
Dragon Flight is a good alternative when its maxed, but if i was only to have 1 point in it, then Gore Rider would be the best alternative.
Cloack of Shadow is good, but i get so much +skills to shaddow skills, that i have a pretty strong CoS.
Fury claw is only good since it provedes 66% Open Wounds, but else it aint much better. 40% IAS dont work with WW. Jade Talon is much better if you give it an Um for 25% Open Wounds.
If i want lightning sentry, then i just get 1-3 to lightning sentry on my chaos claw.
Angelic ring and amu aint needed since i have 200 Dexterity.