01-29-2004, 06:31 AM
We're talking about classic here, mf is totally different, your using 3soc tpz helm, tancs armor/ammy, perf nagels, perf chancies, milas, gull, goldwrap, bitter slippers, (old school 34% mf boots) is the general mf layout, but it really only works on necs, sorcs need the fcr, babas the def and dmg wep, so i stuck w/pop-barbs and cow necs, when i played b4 1.10 in d2c... pop barb worked the best tho... like 514 mf when i pop, found 4 legit 902 ornates... (100% ed; best in classic) w/sum kickass mods back in the day... ah, wish i was that good in xpac, *meaning equivalent in item quality* best thing i got now is shako/ss :S