01-16-2005, 01:32 PM
usful information on how to hack:
use max life and mana% on all your items until you get at least 3-4 mil life.
use bocl resist and obsorb. dont use %obsorb, ( youmight over obsorb)
get 255 charges of telekenisis for the skill energy shield. you can put es on any item. only twice tho. use reduce damage 255% to reduce smite since smite only hits.
put prayor aura on most of your items. make your jewels you socket in your items ith to put double the stats on them. dont put defense bonus on your items or attack bonuses. they are usless. (all the info ill give for now!)
use max life and mana% on all your items until you get at least 3-4 mil life.
use bocl resist and obsorb. dont use %obsorb, ( youmight over obsorb)
get 255 charges of telekenisis for the skill energy shield. you can put es on any item. only twice tho. use reduce damage 255% to reduce smite since smite only hits.
put prayor aura on most of your items. make your jewels you socket in your items ith to put double the stats on them. dont put defense bonus on your items or attack bonuses. they are usless. (all the info ill give for now!)