05-01-2005, 12:58 AM
i actually preordered the game a long time ago and played many of the beta events and the first 3 days, and after that i decided to go to WoW. IT has so much potential and i might get it later, but there are just a few areas its lacking. First of all when you exit town you enter your own individual world, where you can see no other players, just monsters. Only way you can see other players is if ur in a party with them before you leave town. This eliminates the possibility of open field pvp which i love and have experienced from many other games. They do have arena pvp, but that seemed to get tedious and repetitive to me. The lvl cap in the game is 20, and that is fairly easy to achieve, and there are also a vast number of quests, but i finished half of them in about 30 hours of gameplay. I know they might add more, but it seemed like there would be nothing else to do at the endgame, aside from guild pvp. After playing lineage 1 for four years and lineage 2 for 1(made by the same company) I grew accustomed to castle sieges and GW just doesnt have that. Even WoW has raids. The final thing is right now there is no item improvement and it is very easy to get the best items, and I like a challenge. Most of these things will probably be fixed in the future, but right now GW is not the game for me. I hope I helped anyone.