05-04-2005, 11:43 AM
I am a single player gamer with a lvl 45 assassin. I wanted to gamble for Bartucs and need to make sure I am going about it the right way. I am buying exclusively blade talons, but all I get are magic/rare blade talons, not even one greater claw. If this is a "just keeping trying" issue, no problem. Just wanted to know I was going about it the right way.
Secondly, I can't seem to get the player # set higher for better drops. From the chat I am typing
/player 8
but there is no acknowledgement and the drops and monster levels seem the same. Any suggestions?
BTW, D2 Exp v. 1.10
Secondly, I can't seem to get the player # set higher for better drops. From the chat I am typing
/player 8
but there is no acknowledgement and the drops and monster levels seem the same. Any suggestions?
BTW, D2 Exp v. 1.10