03-04-2004, 03:27 PM
i dont see y ppl like barbs so much....... ive made several high lvl barbs since .01 and have had more fun with just 2 brand new .01 pallys i made and those were a zeal/fanta/holysheild pally and a FoH pally. im still gonna make a hammerdin in a few days. pretty much all u can do with barbs is make a whirlwind barb er sumthing like that. unless u can make a botd axe, sword and muals are way better choice and unless u get ik set, the mual is pretty much worthless compared to sword. and even then a perfect sword barbarian couldnt compete with a good zeal/fanta pally. sry for dissin on barbs so much, i just cant see y ppl like em......... cept that u can use two 2-handed swords, thats kinda nice.