03-14-2004, 04:42 PM
U guyz got it all backwards. ok, for your first question, yes there was a way, i dont know if there "is" a way to force impliment your self made "Hacked" characters onto closed battlenet servers. A huge hush-hush thing that no one ever new about until after it passed. It had something to do with breaking your character down and sending it into b-net servers through packets, whether it worked or not, i dont know, all i know was that it was attempted. The second question is a definate no, there is know earthly way to implement a D2 char into an Exp game, the Hex biting is completely different and wouldnt allow it to happen. Just think about it, one characters game ends after Diablo dies, the other after Baal, talk about game world mayham. NO just NO.