03-16-2004, 11:35 AM
Cho, this char will suck if you are solo-ing or even mutli-ing in hell. A tri-sorcy is WEAK in hell. best to focus on 1, if not 2, trees. plus, if your mfing wif this sorc , u'd never b able 2 pick up anythin that drops ( except mebe 1 item) . And how bout due to the fact that not everone has 2 sojs and enigma armor? Have you even tried building this on closed? maybe its good against meph, but against other monsters u wud do LITTLE to them... o btw, I agree to 'Mephisto' and 'Unfoldingthefan' bout da topic of +skills dont add to synergies. +skills only add to the whole tree, yet doesnt give any bonus's like as if you just put a point into it. jus lettin u no. = P