03-17-2004, 04:42 AM
yeah hc classic was a *****... the ONLY way to lvl was d runs... so that meant killing all the way to d EVERY game... so a hc lvl 99 was almost impossible... and then of course there are the ever present "trap" threats... i watched a lvl 93 hc classic sorc get slain in cows after taking on an aura enchanted cow... who then exploded and took her to barely alive (less than 100hp), she was then slain by a trap when she opened a chest.... lol... then i watched a 94 pali die the next game... he was the highest living char on classic bnet, (all this was in .09) and his internet went down, so he was killed over a period of 30seconds by 1 single cow...>_<!!!!!!!!!