09-19-2005, 12:50 AM
o come on guys at lest netter is try'n 2 make a maphack. no one is perfict and even moucepad at the start had problums. give netter a break he is try'n. has any 1 done anything other than complane ??? any 1 sead hay netter thx for try'n.... im a die hard moucepad fan and havent even try'd the easy map but there seems 2 be a lot of people use'n it again and again and soon or later he will get it right and all the bashing will turn and be forgot'n. thats how it was with moucepad when he started. if u dont trust netter's anti detect than just dont use it..... simple as that. at the moment moucepad's 7.0 is detectable.... e-mail him and he will tell you not to use it the 1.11b patch had an added feture that could detect the 7.0a so if netter's 5.1 is undetectable ...way 2 go netter u beat moucepad at that foot race