09-28-2005, 09:59 AM
Metalhead Wrote:I guess because I don't like bands who steal all their good music from the guitarist they kicked out then when they write their own music it sucks... No offense
...And Justice For All was arguably Metallica at their strongest. Definitely does not "suck" by any definition of the word. Yes, James borrowed, and flat out stole sometimes, a lot of Dave's riffs and licks, but make no mistake: James was a driving creative force in Metallica. So was Cliff. Dave was great and he was an integral part of the band, but he wasn't everything.
That's a pisspoor reason not to include one of the best selling and most widely influential metal bands ever in a discussion about "Heavy Metal"
Whether you like them or not, I don't see how it's plausable to not include Metallica as one of the best. Influence wise, there aren't many who beat them. Even on a musicianship level they're almost untoutchable. Comercially they probably are the best metal band ever....
your argument is horribly flawed.