10-17-2005, 05:06 AM
Stikofdeth Wrote:yeah...? that's great. shut up.
Is That all you say?? Is "Suht up"??? I mean can't you say something else that might acutally show some....."Brains"?
who are you to speak for him and butt your stupid *** into something that doesn't invovle you? k. shut up.
Im speaking for him because he is usally bussy and he can't go around to ever lil board like this and tell idoits like you, idoits like YOU who spread rumors saying his program gets you ban. Oh and you should see his new MH it can teleport sorc's, or anyone who has tele in 5-6 secs' with 15 tele's.
yeah??? shut up.
here you are beening a lil noob again, saying "Shut up wahhh wahh wahh"
I think that's self-evident. your favorite buddy didn't write the code so the 9 is ignored in typing gold like it is when writing a message. not to attack him though. just... how it is.
I fixed some of your words for you, since it seems like you may have been "tired" or you know just an idoit. And he DID write the number "nine" into the code to re-load the config. This is why if you press "nine" or try to say hey come to game baal-09 (when inside game) it will reload your config. So to reply to your "Just....how it is" It isn't how it is.
where are you going? yes. I hit 9 to type in gold, like I normally do. I think I already explained that. again: shut up.
no crap i explained this some time ago, WHY ARE YOU still talking about that??? YOUR the one brining it up. And look your favorite word "Shut up". Read above with your "gold dropping and config reloading".
you really have no grounds to call me a dumb *** or anything like that. how old are you? yeah? ... so shut up.
Im alot older then you, you know to keep saying "Shut up" that is so im-mature. You keep saying shut up to people who are right. Because in reality you, yourself are not even secure. Your probally some little 14-15 ish year old who thinks he knows right and knows everything. If the Prez came up to you and said you where "Wrong" Would you tell him to Shut up? I don't think so. So why would you to anyone else? Because you have NO Respect for anyone but your own god damn greedy lil ***** *** self.
yeah. shut up and die. (literally)
ok i'll go Die just for you!!! Because you put so much thought and enegry into this. Lmao. Whore.