edit: I guess this is an auradin rather than the vengence build, but it's the same concept.
You can make a better version of the Vengence paladin by using Zeal instead, but still maxing out the synergies to vengence.
Here's what I did:
1 Holy Shield
20 Zeal
20 Resist Fire
20 Resist Lightning
20 Conviction
Rest into Sacrifice.
Helm- Dream
Armor- Dragon
Shield- Dream
Weapon- Hand of Justice
Rings: Angelic's
Amulet: Angelics
Boots: Sandstorm Treks or Gore Rider
Gloves: Steelrends or Dracul's or whatever you want
Belt: Verdungo's or Arachnid's Mesh
The resist auras are synergies for holy fire and holy shock, and they increase the damage and the damage added to your attack from the auras given by your items. You will do as much elemental damage as a Vengence paladin, but you'll hit much faster, you'll actually hit, and your auras will be doing great damage in combination with conviction.
If you'd still rather use a Vengence paladin, for gear use everything I mentioned about the build above except as a weapon use Doom, made from a berserker axe.
You can make a better version of the Vengence paladin by using Zeal instead, but still maxing out the synergies to vengence.
Here's what I did:
1 Holy Shield
20 Zeal
20 Resist Fire
20 Resist Lightning
20 Conviction
Rest into Sacrifice.
Helm- Dream
Armor- Dragon
Shield- Dream
Weapon- Hand of Justice
Rings: Angelic's
Amulet: Angelics
Boots: Sandstorm Treks or Gore Rider
Gloves: Steelrends or Dracul's or whatever you want
Belt: Verdungo's or Arachnid's Mesh
The resist auras are synergies for holy fire and holy shock, and they increase the damage and the damage added to your attack from the auras given by your items. You will do as much elemental damage as a Vengence paladin, but you'll hit much faster, you'll actually hit, and your auras will be doing great damage in combination with conviction.
If you'd still rather use a Vengence paladin, for gear use everything I mentioned about the build above except as a weapon use Doom, made from a berserker axe.