sorc should use a CoH or Uped Viper (um if u need the res)
if your a fireball sorc consider getting equipment to reach 200% FCR (trust me, it's worth the small amount of dmg u lose
my friench gets merely 1k dmg from a 24% eschutas so he uses hoto since it pwns so much. he does only 21k dmg, but he can sure fire and evade alot faster than a sorc who would do any more. if u have the godly equipemnt (lots of gcs, hellfire, hoto, spirit, 2/20/x/xcirclet, 1x uped magefists, some rare duped boots, godly infinity merc, etc) and have 200% FCR you can easily and quickly reach mephisto, without the need of MH and pwn him with very few meteors/fireballs
well thats just my two cents
oh and sorcs wont need the bonus str from enigma cuz of all the duped rings/ammys/boots/etc that there is on UsEast
if your a fireball sorc consider getting equipment to reach 200% FCR (trust me, it's worth the small amount of dmg u lose
my friench gets merely 1k dmg from a 24% eschutas so he uses hoto since it pwns so much. he does only 21k dmg, but he can sure fire and evade alot faster than a sorc who would do any more. if u have the godly equipemnt (lots of gcs, hellfire, hoto, spirit, 2/20/x/xcirclet, 1x uped magefists, some rare duped boots, godly infinity merc, etc) and have 200% FCR you can easily and quickly reach mephisto, without the need of MH and pwn him with very few meteors/fireballs
well thats just my two cents
oh and sorcs wont need the bonus str from enigma cuz of all the duped rings/ammys/boots/etc that there is on UsEast