01-11-2006, 03:39 AM
Blueballsofsteal Wrote:If we are talking about stereotypes, lets talk about how Canadiens stereotype Americans. Boy most canadiens hate us! Race is not an issue in this type of stereotype either, just the word American sets it off.Perhaps it's because Americans started by stereotyping Canadians as people who wear tuques, live in igloos, and say "aboot"? I wasn't here when it all started, but that's just a guess.
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:It's not whether Hitler hated jews or not, it's whether he generalized them or not.It was the hatred that led to the genocide, not the generalizations. There's nothing wrong with generalizing people if it doesn't hinder your ability to be peaceful and cooperative with them. Other races have long considered us Asians to be short people with squinty eyes and small reproductive organs. I have nothing against that as long as it doesn't get out of hand.