01-11-2006, 07:28 AM
Beholder99 Wrote:(its not democratic, its a republic office first off,)
pot is addictive, the signs arent truely noticable though. one sign is irriatability(sp?) if a perosn is annoyed, angered or stressed, for seemeingly no reason, either a mental disorder, or an addiction. pot is a hard thing, because 1 there are so many false beliefs. marijuana has certin chemicals that are more dangerous than ciggarettes. just cigs have over 100 poisons where pot only has like 15. now the problem with legalizing it is people will go out high, get into accidents and other things, you cant trust people to be responsible, they should make weed bars/hotels, buy some weed some then make them sleep the night, also sell food blank:.
Pot might be addictive, but not physically, any everything is mentally addictive, everything from eating, to throwing up, to masturbating, to music. the rest of the stuff is all speculation. I found this greeat .gov website that had all myths and facts prooven wrong.
I don;t smoke anything, but I am pro marijuana, who am I, whoare you to stop someone else from doing what they want as long as it doesn't negatively affect anything else.