04-02-2004, 03:51 AM
Quote:hey, since your on the discussion of mf, my lvl 23 sorc, (brand new) uses gull dagger, and 38% chance guards for mf, my friend was killing mephisto for me, and he let me have the finishing blow, just for shits and giggles, but when i killed mephisto, he dropped an eth hell slayer, and a doom bringer, 7000 gold, and a magical balrog skin... my friend shit his pants... so what i think... is maybe if u have more than 50 mf, and less than around 300, it may work better? maybe its coincidence, but iunno...
Sorry to say but, you didn't get the killing blow. If you were CLVL23 you can't drop an ILVL84 item. It goes against the foundations of MF rules. It's a correlation between MLVL (Monster Level) ILVL (Item Level) and CLVL (Character Level). You can only drop the equivilent of your CLVL, and monsters can only drop the eqivilent of their MLVL. Otherwise Carvers would drop Elite items left right and center, which I'm sure you agree doesn't happen. Mephi can't drop those items in Normal or Nightmare, as his MLVL isn't high enough.