04-03-2004, 03:21 AM
Bounty666 Wrote:can someone please tell me how the hell u can get a 14k zeal cause i'm pretty sure its true cause i saw this zealadin kill d clone in a matter of seconds.....
dc clone matters nothing, he is a demon, therefore the pally who did 14k, could infact be using laying of hands which adds 3.5x his regular dmg
so if he did 10k per hit, then its actually doing 35k per hit to dc
dc has 500k life so thats 500/35= 14 hits then hes dead.
also u can get 10k problly from using a might aura merc, + fant
also cant zeal be synergized now and it adds dmg?
at lvl 98 a merc wearing perf eth 2x 40/+15 max dmg bonehew with 40/15 shaft, and 40/15 08 gaze can do 8k just by himself.
if the pally was lvl 98, using fant and his lvl 98 merc using might, + a couple of 3/20/20's he could do infact 14k per hit and swing very fast too. (from the 60%ias on zerker)
not to mention he could be using steelrend which adds 20% crushing blow (this acts like static and goes all the way down to 0 on a monster)