07-14-2006, 05:07 AM
Quote:Funny, but wont work, no guard is gonna say kick me in the balls first of all, second the guard doesnt just lie he tells the truth also...............
No no no, you miss the point. before you even ask a question you kick a guard in the balls. Then you ask the other guard if he wants a kick too, and depending on that answer you can deduce whether or not he's lying or telling the truth, becuase let's face it, nobody wants to be kicked in the balls.
But all this is given you an ask two questions, and Invisible says you can only ask one question to both of them..
"Would it be funny if I kicked the guard infront of the happiness door in the nuts?"
Whatever answer you get from either of them doesn't matter. The one infront of the happiness door would most certianly not find it funny, and the one infront of the death door could possibly be lying and say no as well.
In the instance that they both give the no answer, take the opportunity to kick one of them in the balls. If the remaining guard laughs, (lets face it, he will) then you know he was a liar and is standing infront of the death door. If the other guard doesn't laugh, then he was telling the truth and you just kicked the liar in the nuts, who was standing infront of the door of happiness.
There you have it takesandgoez, a viable solution to Invisible's enigma.