07-27-2006, 05:23 AM
i completely agree with you on the build...however a few things i'd like to mention:
It does not look like he's going GM PvP.. it looks like he just wants a decent PvP charcter with a minimal investment in HRs/sojs/Whetever your currency that will duel well in Pubs, commence "ez" "e-rage" "nub" etc confused:
Additionally, it doesn't look like he has even that amount of wealth to obtain some of that gear. I play US-East, where a 2/20/2 pally circlet is 10-15 HRs, a 2/15fcr ammy with any dex/str is an easy 10+ HRs, 5/5 scs are 10+hrs, PCombat's are 3hrs plain, PCombat/FHR are 10-15HRs, etc.. you get my point.
Here's what i suggest you do Freak...
1) get all that you can in frater's build
2) attain the 125% FCR Breakpoint ... whether it mean you use Wizzy and/or Spirit (preferablly sacred targe HIGHEST Res you can get on it, gives the best block%)
3) substitute the items you can't get with the best alternative WHILE maintaining the 125% FCR breakpoint
4) get either 48 or 86% FHR (preferably 86% with charms/gear)
5) use as LITTLE str as you can (i.e. use MagePlate Enigma, Torch, Anni) and try and get a +2pally/20fcr/str/dex circlet, resists last (either UM or SHAEL the helm), a +2 Pally/fcr if you can/str/dex/res ammy, and a 10FCR/Str/Dex/Res/Life/Mana ring any combonation of the aformentioned will do (str/dex/res/life/mana), but shoot for using NO STRENGTH and MINIMAL DEX in your build (hard points...stat points)
6) use as LITTLE Dex as you can while achieving Max Block with max Holy Shield.. refer above
7) attain as much Damage Reduction as possible as frater said
8) attain a high life as possible with CTA and Pally Spirit on switch
As far as Charms go:
since you probably can't get PCombats, i'd stack my entire inventory with 20Life/Res and FHR/Res scs as possible.. the more life the better .. if you can't get 20life/res go for 20life/def like Frater said...
There really isn't much left that we can say...
Get your 125%FCR breakpoint
Get your 86%FHR breakpoint
Get Max Block (75% with Holy Shield maxed and on)
Get as much Dmg Red as possible
Spend as FEW points as possible in Str and Dex
Get as high life as possible...
Commence owning nubs. Hope we helped.
It does not look like he's going GM PvP.. it looks like he just wants a decent PvP charcter with a minimal investment in HRs/sojs/Whetever your currency that will duel well in Pubs, commence "ez" "e-rage" "nub" etc confused:
Additionally, it doesn't look like he has even that amount of wealth to obtain some of that gear. I play US-East, where a 2/20/2 pally circlet is 10-15 HRs, a 2/15fcr ammy with any dex/str is an easy 10+ HRs, 5/5 scs are 10+hrs, PCombat's are 3hrs plain, PCombat/FHR are 10-15HRs, etc.. you get my point.
Here's what i suggest you do Freak...
1) get all that you can in frater's build
2) attain the 125% FCR Breakpoint ... whether it mean you use Wizzy and/or Spirit (preferablly sacred targe HIGHEST Res you can get on it, gives the best block%)
3) substitute the items you can't get with the best alternative WHILE maintaining the 125% FCR breakpoint
4) get either 48 or 86% FHR (preferably 86% with charms/gear)
5) use as LITTLE str as you can (i.e. use MagePlate Enigma, Torch, Anni) and try and get a +2pally/20fcr/str/dex circlet, resists last (either UM or SHAEL the helm), a +2 Pally/fcr if you can/str/dex/res ammy, and a 10FCR/Str/Dex/Res/Life/Mana ring any combonation of the aformentioned will do (str/dex/res/life/mana), but shoot for using NO STRENGTH and MINIMAL DEX in your build (hard points...stat points)
6) use as LITTLE Dex as you can while achieving Max Block with max Holy Shield.. refer above
7) attain as much Damage Reduction as possible as frater said
8) attain a high life as possible with CTA and Pally Spirit on switch
As far as Charms go:
since you probably can't get PCombats, i'd stack my entire inventory with 20Life/Res and FHR/Res scs as possible.. the more life the better .. if you can't get 20life/res go for 20life/def like Frater said...
There really isn't much left that we can say...
Get your 125%FCR breakpoint
Get your 86%FHR breakpoint
Get Max Block (75% with Holy Shield maxed and on)
Get as much Dmg Red as possible
Spend as FEW points as possible in Str and Dex
Get as high life as possible...
Commence owning nubs. Hope we helped.