if anyone of you that has cursed at me and called me an idiot can prove me wrong i'm waiting.
why are the terrorists not continuing their attack?
why did wtc7 collapse if due to fire, and if due to collision with debree then why did it symetrically collapse?
why was teh story changed on the collapse of wtc7?
why was sulfur and thermite found in the pools of molten metal in the basements of the wtc that got hit by planes if only fire cause these collapses?
why did pentagon employees/soldiers smell cordite instead of jet fuel?
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/thermite.htm thermite
http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evi...osive.html cordite
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almost deadly, that quote i have already refuted but you didn't listen. no one said metal has to melt to fail. that is your assumption. furthermore, if the metal only bent instead of melted it would have leaned to one side as it collapsed. what are the chances that it would symetrically collapse? for you the chances are 1/1 i understand.
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why did larry silverstein do this?
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finally, why is any of this hard to believe? this same technique has been used many many times. hitler himself did nearly the same thing. rene de chateu (sp)to teh muslims during the crusades in jerusalem.
this is standare procedure for govts. because it works so well.
why are the terrorists not continuing their attack?
why did wtc7 collapse if due to fire, and if due to collision with debree then why did it symetrically collapse?
why was teh story changed on the collapse of wtc7?
why was sulfur and thermite found in the pools of molten metal in the basements of the wtc that got hit by planes if only fire cause these collapses?
why did pentagon employees/soldiers smell cordite instead of jet fuel?
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/thermite.htm thermite
http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evi...osive.html cordite
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almost deadly, that quote i have already refuted but you didn't listen. no one said metal has to melt to fail. that is your assumption. furthermore, if the metal only bent instead of melted it would have leaned to one side as it collapsed. what are the chances that it would symetrically collapse? for you the chances are 1/1 i understand.
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why did larry silverstein do this?
Additional Comment:
finally, why is any of this hard to believe? this same technique has been used many many times. hitler himself did nearly the same thing. rene de chateu (sp)to teh muslims during the crusades in jerusalem.
this is standare procedure for govts. because it works so well.