08-18-2006, 02:29 PM
L4E Wrote:oh another thing!
people who say EXACTLY the same thing someone already said in THE SAME thread, but a previous post.
metalicagirl, when ur nice to people, people are nice to you. Blood, Frater and ANYONE else will NOT act nicer towards you if all you do is insult them or attempt an argument.
Instead u could've just said "ok blood id appreciate if we stopped this argument which is leading us nowhere and merely compromising (sP?) the hilariousness of this thread."
and u surely havent been here long enough to know blood well enough, so let me tell you myself, he sure as hell does not take insults as jokes.
Oh another thing that makes me crabby, when some one posts something, then math being oh-so-smart posts right after it the same thing, except that instead of saying for example "the varying stats on this item" he would actually say every single variating stat of the item. I just made that example up btw, what he usually says is far more stupid
Makes me crabby when people don't quite understand somthin i said so i have to explain it to them.
Yeah, i see what ur saying...but i did say sorry, i dont kno if anyone read that or not, but no...he didnt start acting nicer. So i understand that...but i wouldn't have said "stfu" if he acted nicer to me!confused: