09-14-2006, 06:47 AM
Mozzy, I'm beyond frustration with the entire topic. Believe me, I've kept an open mind at first, I've seen all the videos and whatnot. I had a much harder time believing that the WTC collapse was an intricate goverment orchestrated attack on it's on soil for.. some reason (unsure)
To me it seems far more reasonable that a plane few into the building, and it fell shortly after as a result.
But it's probably better that you shut up about it, if the goverment has no problem killing over 3000 of it's citizens then it probably has no problem killing you to keep the voice of truth silent.
To me it seems far more reasonable that a plane few into the building, and it fell shortly after as a result.
But it's probably better that you shut up about it, if the goverment has no problem killing over 3000 of it's citizens then it probably has no problem killing you to keep the voice of truth silent.