09-14-2006, 01:15 PM
Mozzy Wrote:ok well, germany staged the burning of some building (sorry i don't remember exactly, library or govt. office) and blamed it on terroists (communists) to rally people for wwII
england waged war on china when china decided that 1/3 of it's population being addicted to opium was enough (UK supplied the opium). when china stopped buying the opium britain waged war, won, then raised the prices of opium.
here's the link for jesus camp. i warn any sane individual that will watch this that this is one of the most disgusting things i've ever seen. but as far as i can tell it's factual and not a total hollywood production.
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let me take this lull in action to make a few statements.
a.d. i am honestly glad that you have calmed down enough to listen. i know this is a blizzard forum and that people here only want to flame people and see how good a job they can make of it.
also, since you didn't get my references to germany and england then i'm guessing you're fairly young and i do apologize for any direct insults i made against you. when i was your age i wouldn't have given the slightest shit either.
in any case, if anyone is to believe the "conspirators" vs. the govt. all you need to do is realize that the conspirators have nothing to gain. (excepting proceeds from books written and getting their faces on tv) this exception is hardly relevant since once your face is on tv then there's a good chance you will be fire from your job. as did happen to one of the phsycis proffesors that so eloquently described the prescene of thermite in the wtc towers, proved that it was their with video footage and actual metal samples from the wreckage and then proceeded to explain how the molten flow of metal that was recorded on video could only have been caused by thermate. (thermate beign an advanced version of thermite)
anyway, the link i posted earlier shows the video footage i'm speaking of i won't bother to post it again.
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if anyone gives a shit...which i doubt...
i sent a PM to spoonman and asked him to talk to me somewhere in realtime chat where he will be forced ot answer questions one at a time. he did not respond. yes, he was online at the time.
was the pointless? probably
does it make me feel better? not really
when will i give up on this thread? dunno, maybe now
i quit playing d2 cause of teh fall semester at school. but also it's just plain boring.
After my last past I left for work so only just now got your invitation to chat. If you want to talk to me then go ahead and look me up on AIM or MSN.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."