09-17-2006, 08:29 AM
thats a no-cd broodwar crack (i got itfrom gamemunchers, in a thread called 1.14 hacks, i doubt its dangerous but like everything else, its always a good idea to virus scan)
so ur wondering "what the hell will this help me do?"
1.well if u actually get ur broodwar install working ur gonna need to put the cd to play, and im guessing that would be a problem.
2.if you get broodwar from torrents or another download method, ur gonna need the latest no cd crack to play
good luck =/
thats a no-cd broodwar crack (i got itfrom gamemunchers, in a thread called 1.14 hacks, i doubt its dangerous but like everything else, its always a good idea to virus scan)
so ur wondering "what the hell will this help me do?"
1.well if u actually get ur broodwar install working ur gonna need to put the cd to play, and im guessing that would be a problem.
2.if you get broodwar from torrents or another download method, ur gonna need the latest no cd crack to play
good luck =/