Finally, a bvc guide, but..
1. Barb vs caster, meaning DR is not needed (verdungos)
2. Wiz Spike gloves? You gotta be kidding me. Draculs ALWAYS for the OW and str.
3. For pubbing you should use 2x ravens, arach, and draculs ( more OW, AR, 40 or 70 fcr is not needed, 20 is enough)
OW - If you start using draculs, your OW will be pretty high, so wait 6-10 seconds between attacks, and vs hammerdins a widowmaker is very useful.
And about that 290 sc, don't use it, it disables DS and CB, one of the two or both, I forget. It's just a teeny bit of damage that it adds, and you're using that teeny bit of damage over doing 2x damage on occasion?
Just some tips, don't find them offensive, you play nl right? When ladder re rolls I would like to duel you.
1. Barb vs caster, meaning DR is not needed (verdungos)
2. Wiz Spike gloves? You gotta be kidding me. Draculs ALWAYS for the OW and str.
3. For pubbing you should use 2x ravens, arach, and draculs ( more OW, AR, 40 or 70 fcr is not needed, 20 is enough)
OW - If you start using draculs, your OW will be pretty high, so wait 6-10 seconds between attacks, and vs hammerdins a widowmaker is very useful.
And about that 290 sc, don't use it, it disables DS and CB, one of the two or both, I forget. It's just a teeny bit of damage that it adds, and you're using that teeny bit of damage over doing 2x damage on occasion?
Just some tips, don't find them offensive, you play nl right? When ladder re rolls I would like to duel you.