10-11-2006, 12:37 PM
Heres how you really use it.
You use inferno from flamebellow, and then use leap. And still hold down the button for flame bellow. Your going to land and you can't do anything else for the rest of that game.
The game thinks your still in the air leaping, so your going to be in 1 spot to your enemies, but you can move around and stuff, but nothing will happen. This DOES degrade EVERYTHING on you, so if you don't have money or runes don't do it. It makes you invincible but sorta pointless because you really can't do nothing but run around and talk. You could try it once if you want but nothing really that special.
You use inferno from flamebellow, and then use leap. And still hold down the button for flame bellow. Your going to land and you can't do anything else for the rest of that game.
The game thinks your still in the air leaping, so your going to be in 1 spot to your enemies, but you can move around and stuff, but nothing will happen. This DOES degrade EVERYTHING on you, so if you don't have money or runes don't do it. It makes you invincible but sorta pointless because you really can't do nothing but run around and talk. You could try it once if you want but nothing really that special.