10-19-2006, 11:58 AM
your welcome to your thoughts and doubts, but i'd rather our government not take chances. no i dont think we are going to be constantly attacked, but yes i worry about my mother's safety.
let me make sure you know who you are defending...these are people who want to kill YOU just because they think they are better than everyone. they think that if they murder you and your family they will go to heaven or whatever. do you know where this hatred started? the ****ing crusades! something your great great great great great great great great great great ancesters did justifies them murdering you in your sleep.
while i agree we need some limits to what we can do to them, because thats what seperates us from them, i say **** THEM. they can take their 9000 year old feud and shove it up their asses.
let me make sure you know who you are defending...these are people who want to kill YOU just because they think they are better than everyone. they think that if they murder you and your family they will go to heaven or whatever. do you know where this hatred started? the ****ing crusades! something your great great great great great great great great great great ancesters did justifies them murdering you in your sleep.
while i agree we need some limits to what we can do to them, because thats what seperates us from them, i say **** THEM. they can take their 9000 year old feud and shove it up their asses.