12-23-2006, 02:26 AM
takezandgoez Wrote:Unable To Connect To Battle.Net.
If using a modem, you need to connect to your internet service provider before connecting to battle.net. for more information, please visit Redirect
Also I looked for this program and it said this:
You appear to be Ipbanned Error! 10054
IPBANNED! Anyway around dis shit?
I can also connect to other gateways, but I cannot connect to UsEast.
I'm sorry to see that this has happened to you..
But this has happened to me before and most times it has gone away in 5-25 mins..
It is a version of temp ban and your not going to get your account banned for this message.. (at least im pretty sure, considering that I have gotten this before)..And re-freshing your ip isn't going to help either, this is something that you gotta wait out.. I've only gotten that type of message when I would log in and out to fast with having two diablo window's open same time.. I know this not much help, but thought I would tell you that you are not alone on this bnet message and all I had to do was wait few mins and I was back on..