02-14-2007, 11:45 AM
Ragnarox-xxt Wrote:As if duping has never been a problem up until now. There have always been dupes in diablo. It hasn't been killed by duping that's always been there. The horrible lag, which can be caused by duper or more likely bad servers, and the fact that they haven't updated anything in a few years.
The "You are 2000th is line to create a game" thing was due to botting, not the dupers. Unless you were just referring to that in general and not specifically to the botting.
I feel as though I can't vote in this pole because the choices are completly stupid. It's not a simple yes or no question, it's Yes or I'm an idiot duper. What about the people that think the economy is fine and don't dupe?
I'm well-aware what caused the lag, I suppose I was part of the problem. But my point is that duping, which harms more innocent players then anything, should have been handled before they blindly banned all the bot and map hack users back then. However, if your saying they banned all the botters to fix the lag, then Blizzard was just cuttin corners to save a buck or 2, when they could have just gotten more/better servers. If they can't stop duping AS it happens, instead of catching it after the item is already in someone else's hands, whats the point.