Z3R0K00l Wrote:Ont the writting/riddles issue. Guess where I saw other riddle thread? You guessed it, in Writing and Roleplaying. And, did I not already make a Riddle thread in the Writing and Roleplaying thread, along with about two other people? Wasn't a problem there, don't understand why it is now. If you the mods didn't think that riddle were supposed to be there, I'm sure it would have been moved by now.Now this has mutated into 3 seperate issues,good job on that btw.
On the button issue: Instead of making it "Report Close", because you seem to think that by clicking the button I will magicly get the power to close any thread I want, then why not a "Report Thread" button. Same thing, differant name. I'll leave it up to you how that still gives me, more than anyone else that would be able to use it, any form or sort of mod power.
And I reported your way off-topic post........because it annoys me.
!.On the writing and roleplaying /riddle subject. I do concede yours are more "Old English" types,and yes some have been posted in the wrong area,but were either outright retarded and nobody went back....OR...the people that posted them gave answers that made less sense than the riddle itself...again a natural death of the thread and it wasn't worth the effort to move.Usually just an advisory post about a better place to post.
Granted it is sometimes difficult to discern just where it SHOULD be.All I did was point out where I thought it would fit best.
2.You havent posted a new riddle in awhile and this is now a 3-way debate.Again,good job on that...so where is a new riddle? *Taps a foot and waits*
3. The button issue is so trivial it is not even funny.You are incorrect sir,I did NOT think it would give you the power to close a thread...get real...I know better...others ,however,are not so astute. A rose by any other name is still a rose.
Sure you can change the name if it will make you feel better. It will still only generate a PM and it showing up in the reported post section.
So for the third time now...what is the point and how will this help?
@ John Fuggy's main job here is to be annoying and mess with your head.
@ Fuggy good job on that dude! I also loved the WHOLE page full of "Blehhh!!!" you left on my MSN.Did you lose the remote to the T.V. dude? (goofass cat)
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...