The similarity between the "Sun God" Horus of Egyptian times BEFORE Christianity has striking similarities. Horus then worshiped and adored by its people for they know without the sun life would not exist. The "Sun God" Horus was born a virgin, Dec 25th, died for 3 days, and resurrected again.
Horus (The Sun God)
Born on Dec. 25th
Born of a virgin
Was a star in the east
Adorned b 3 kings
Teacher at 12
Baptized/Ministry at 30
Carried around 12 disciples
Walked around performing miracles
Named "God of Lamb"/"The Light
Buried for 3 days
Jesus Christ
Born on Dec. 25th
Born of a virgin
Announced with a star in the east
Adorned by 3 kings
Teacher at 12
Baptized/Ministry at 30
Carried around 12 disciples
Known as King of Kings/ Lamb of God/ Light of the World
Betrayed by Judas
Placed in tomb
In the video they tell you EXACTLY WHY they both die and resurrected again. It has to do with the sun going south, leaving less and less light as the year goes by correct? On about Dec 22, it stops moving south for THREE DAYS, residing in the vicinity of the souther CROSS constellation. Then the sun starts to move north again on Dec. 25th where God is "Borned or Resurrected again" for the oncoming summer.
There are countless amounts of Gods that follows these guidelines.
God was adored and worshiped by the Egyptians, and who was god, the sun. It is the "Protector of DARKNESS" It is LIGHT. Egyptians personified the stars, with myths, we all know that, they have stories of all sorts. The Egyptian gave a human nature to almost all things. The sun, which is the unseen giver of "life giving" qualities, was personified as God. The savior of human kind. There are 100 more facts like this in the video. Starting at 10 minutes.
These are facts, found in your everyday history books, or encyclopedia. Can all these similarities be coincidental? So you would say. "OH JUST BECAUSE ITS SIMILAR DOESN'T MEAN IT ISN'T TRUE" Well it doesn't take a detective to piece this together.
Horus (The Sun God)
Born on Dec. 25th
Born of a virgin
Was a star in the east
Adorned b 3 kings
Teacher at 12
Baptized/Ministry at 30
Carried around 12 disciples
Walked around performing miracles
Named "God of Lamb"/"The Light
Buried for 3 days
Jesus Christ
Born on Dec. 25th
Born of a virgin
Announced with a star in the east
Adorned by 3 kings
Teacher at 12
Baptized/Ministry at 30
Carried around 12 disciples
Known as King of Kings/ Lamb of God/ Light of the World
Betrayed by Judas
Placed in tomb
In the video they tell you EXACTLY WHY they both die and resurrected again. It has to do with the sun going south, leaving less and less light as the year goes by correct? On about Dec 22, it stops moving south for THREE DAYS, residing in the vicinity of the souther CROSS constellation. Then the sun starts to move north again on Dec. 25th where God is "Borned or Resurrected again" for the oncoming summer.
There are countless amounts of Gods that follows these guidelines.
God was adored and worshiped by the Egyptians, and who was god, the sun. It is the "Protector of DARKNESS" It is LIGHT. Egyptians personified the stars, with myths, we all know that, they have stories of all sorts. The Egyptian gave a human nature to almost all things. The sun, which is the unseen giver of "life giving" qualities, was personified as God. The savior of human kind. There are 100 more facts like this in the video. Starting at 10 minutes.
These are facts, found in your everyday history books, or encyclopedia. Can all these similarities be coincidental? So you would say. "OH JUST BECAUSE ITS SIMILAR DOESN'T MEAN IT ISN'T TRUE" Well it doesn't take a detective to piece this together.