Es/Lightning would be best for Mf/duels.
basic just really quick skills are 20 chain light 20 light 20 to light mastery 20 to charged bolt 20 to ES, and 1 into warmth, tree would be finished at level 91
gear is basically shako hoto spirit arachs light ormus maras sojs treks mages, merc with infinity is a must.
again this is just a quick off the top of my head, someone will most likely be able to get you a really good in depth guide. if not ill look for one tonight
d2jsp Forums -> Infinity Es Light Sorc V1.11 - Infinity ES Light Sorc V1.11+
d2jsp Forums -> Lightning Sorceress Guide - Light sorc
basic just really quick skills are 20 chain light 20 light 20 to light mastery 20 to charged bolt 20 to ES, and 1 into warmth, tree would be finished at level 91
gear is basically shako hoto spirit arachs light ormus maras sojs treks mages, merc with infinity is a must.
again this is just a quick off the top of my head, someone will most likely be able to get you a really good in depth guide. if not ill look for one tonight
d2jsp Forums -> Infinity Es Light Sorc V1.11 - Infinity ES Light Sorc V1.11+
d2jsp Forums -> Lightning Sorceress Guide - Light sorc