05-11-2004, 01:24 PM
protocolz Wrote:But its the opion of the majority of americans... other wise it would not happen... is the only sane American Micheal Moore?
Your a ****ing dumbass. Yes Michael Moore makes some great works and I support him... but you think just because Bush is our president means that we as citizens of the U.S. are shitbags? Well **** you. I for one would kill Bush if i were put into a room with me and him only, and a double barrel shotgun. You can't say "It was America's decision" because it wasn't. It was the idiotic right-wing Bush campaigning faggots who have dishonored the name "America". People ask me if I'm proud to be an American. I say, "As long as Bush is around, hell no." So the next time you feel the need to criticize an entire countries population based on the shit facts you know, think again. Because I for one am really offended by it.
You have just successfully pissed off a super moderator. I'd suggest you watch your back on these forums from now on.