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PVE Rogue
You have one massive problem, namely that your hit is stupidly low. Try aiming for something between 250-350, most people go for such values, although my experience shows that the closer you are to the hit cap, the better it is.

For Rogue, the best gems are:
1) +hit (so that's 8 or 10)
2) +agi (8 or 10)
3) rest

You have socketed for AP, which is a big mistake.
Resocket your shoulders with +8 hit gems.
Enchant chest with +6 all stats, and socket for +hit and +agi, instead of +AP and +sta.
Using Mace + Sword is far from idea, but once again, Mace should be socketed with +8 hit, instead of +crit. You should buy Merciless mainhand, or buy the offhand mace and craft Drakefist Hammer.
On gloves, I prefer +15 agi once again, because it scales with BoK and gives crit as well.
Epic leg armor on your legs, of course. Your upgrade should be Skulker's Greaves from Netherspite, you won't change those legs until T6.
Socket feet for agi and hit once again, forget about AP. And change the enchant to +12 agi, Surefooted or Cat's Swiftness.
The Karazhan ring is not very good for PvE, not is your other ring. Get Prince's ring and Curator's ring.
Bloodlust Brooch is a good trinket, but you have your Darkmoon Faire card wrong - you should be using Crusade, not Wrath.

You can basically start thinking about crit once you achieve a certain +hit and +agi value, from which you are very far. For the time being, try to achieve decent AP and +hit. I presume this is for raiding by the way? Also, your gear is suffering a lot due to poor choice of gems, enchants and mix-and-match.

For PvP, you can basically get by with 5% hit, even though more may be needed at times, however due to the relatively poor standard of your gear, you cannot really choose right now. Also, forget about crit, just got for AGI.

Messages In This Thread
PVE Rogue - by FrogMan - 03-26-2007, 09:42 AM
PVE Rogue - by FraterPerdurabo - 03-26-2007, 10:20 AM
PVE Rogue - by kurups - 03-26-2007, 12:25 PM
PVE Rogue - by FraterPerdurabo - 03-26-2007, 02:06 PM
PVE Rogue - by kurups - 03-26-2007, 02:46 PM
PVE Rogue - by RaZzor - 03-26-2007, 11:01 PM
PVE Rogue - by Doom - 03-26-2007, 11:39 PM
PVE Rogue - by kurups - 03-27-2007, 11:03 AM
PVE Rogue - by RaZzor - 03-28-2007, 12:05 AM
PVE Rogue - by kurups - 03-28-2007, 01:39 AM
PVE Rogue - by FrogMan - 03-29-2007, 01:21 AM
PVE Rogue - by [/sarcasm] - 03-29-2007, 04:23 AM
PVE Rogue - by Loits - 03-29-2007, 09:52 AM
PVE Rogue - by kurups - 03-29-2007, 10:10 AM
PVE Rogue - by FrogMan - 03-29-2007, 06:23 PM
PVE Rogue - by kurups - 03-29-2007, 06:38 PM
PVE Rogue - by Doom - 03-31-2007, 02:05 PM
PVE Rogue - by kurups - 04-02-2007, 06:32 AM
PVE Rogue - by DemonKiLLa - 04-24-2007, 10:05 AM
PVE Rogue - by Konstantin - 05-20-2007, 12:00 AM
PVE Rogue - by DemonKiLLa - 06-07-2007, 06:43 AM
PVE Rogue - by Wesocial - 01-18-2008, 09:21 AM
PVE Rogue - by FrogMan - 01-18-2008, 07:41 PM
PVE Rogue - by Wesocial - 01-22-2008, 07:45 AM
PVE Rogue - by FraterPerdurabo - 01-22-2008, 11:59 AM
PVE Rogue - by FrogMan - 01-22-2008, 06:25 PM
PVE Rogue - by FraterPerdurabo - 01-22-2008, 09:46 PM
PVE Rogue - by FrogMan - 01-23-2008, 06:48 PM
PVE Rogue - by FraterPerdurabo - 01-23-2008, 07:46 PM
PVE Rogue - by FrogMan - 01-24-2008, 08:23 AM
PVE Rogue - by FrogMan - 01-24-2008, 06:22 PM
PVE Rogue - by FraterPerdurabo - 01-24-2008, 07:08 PM
PVE Rogue - by FrogMan - 01-24-2008, 07:43 PM
PVE Rogue - by Arc - 01-25-2008, 07:27 AM
PVE Rogue - by Loits - 01-25-2008, 08:26 PM
PVE Rogue - by FrogMan - 01-25-2008, 08:45 PM
PVE Rogue - by Josherz - 01-27-2008, 07:53 AM
PVE Rogue - by FraterPerdurabo - 01-27-2008, 09:01 PM
PVE Rogue - by Josherz - 01-28-2008, 08:10 AM
PVE Rogue - by FrogMan - 01-28-2008, 05:25 PM
PVE Rogue - by SG Shadow - 04-09-2009, 01:31 AM
PVE Rogue - by FraterPerdurabo - 01-24-2008, 08:43 AM

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