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PVE Rogue
swords is the best leveling and farming
in my guild in karazhan i out dps anyone with combat daggers
now if u wanna do pve and pvp u have a few choices.
combat swords
combat fists
mutilate spec
or hybrid with hermorage and cold blood
I found that combat swords is the most effective for massive DPS out put in raids.
Yea combat swords with a little into ass is the best for a rogue DPS, but same build with mace's(currently using illhoof mace) is also effective because it does have a increased damaged buffed when critting(25%crit unbuffed with storms deck).

My current mace build still out dps's the lock in my group my 100-150k.
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i raid 15/41/5 with combat Fistweapons, as a rogue you should out dps any class in the game. Jaltis on Azgalor hit up armory.

and by the way combat daggers is a garbage build, getting big crits is the whole point in being combat so do yourself a favor and get atleast high max damage weapons.
Do yourself a favour and get a decent spec. 20/41 is the best PvE DPS spec. Also, try ditching some of that PvP gear and get PvE gear instead. PM Loits on these forums if you need info on Rogues, this is his armory:
The World of Warcraft Armory
He is in PvP gear right now (rank 2 in 2on2), but his spec is PvE.
Look up Rispite of armoury frater and tell me what you think... i know my main hand is mace but best i could do for now.
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You have one massive problem, namely that your hit is stupidly low. Try aiming for something between 250-350, most people go for such values, although my experience shows that the closer you are to the hit cap, the better it is.

For Rogue, the best gems are:
1) +hit (so that's 8 or 10)
2) +agi (8 or 10)
3) rest

You have socketed for AP, which is a big mistake.
Resocket your shoulders with +8 hit gems.
Enchant chest with +6 all stats, and socket for +hit and +agi, instead of +AP and +sta.
Using Mace + Sword is far from idea, but once again, Mace should be socketed with +8 hit, instead of +crit. You should buy Merciless mainhand, or buy the offhand mace and craft Drakefist Hammer.
On gloves, I prefer +15 agi once again, because it scales with BoK and gives crit as well.
Epic leg armor on your legs, of course. Your upgrade should be Skulker's Greaves from Netherspite, you won't change those legs until T6.
Socket feet for agi and hit once again, forget about AP. And change the enchant to +12 agi, Surefooted or Cat's Swiftness.
The Karazhan ring is not very good for PvE, not is your other ring. Get Prince's ring and Curator's ring.
Bloodlust Brooch is a good trinket, but you have your Darkmoon Faire card wrong - you should be using Crusade, not Wrath.

You can basically start thinking about crit once you achieve a certain +hit and +agi value, from which you are very far. For the time being, try to achieve decent AP and +hit. I presume this is for raiding by the way? Also, your gear is suffering a lot due to poor choice of gems, enchants and mix-and-match.

For PvP, you can basically get by with 5% hit, even though more may be needed at times, however due to the relatively poor standard of your gear, you cannot really choose right now. Also, forget about crit, just got for AGI.
Well yea itss for PVE but for the +hit i not understanding really also yea trying to get those other items... and why not wrath, why crusade?

Anyway i like the criscism keep it coming although i must tell you i dps quite well in kara i beat every1 who are pretty much same geared as me.. and yea the whole weapon thing i know about.
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FrogMan Wrote:Well yea itss for PVE but for the +hit i not understanding really also yea trying to get those other items... and why not wrath, why crusade?

Anyway i like the criscism keep it coming although i must tell you i dps quite well in kara i beat every1 who are pretty much same geared as me.. and yea the whole weapon thing i know about.
If you beat everyone in DPS in Kara, then they are probably really crap players. Also, Kara is not a real raid anyway, it's more like a 5man dungeon.

Anyway, +hit is the same as Attack Rating in Diablo, you basically need it to hit anything. You are losing a LOT of DPS if you have a low % to hit. Basically, you have a 5% chance to miss against a level 70 mob with your main hand. Because bosses are treated as level 73 for the purpose of game mechanics and chance to miss increases by 0.2% per level difference, you have a 5.6% chance to miss a boss with your main hand.

Your offhand on the other hand has a passive 25% (I think that's correct) chance to miss a raid boss. If you have a low hit, basically every 7th or 8th hit is going to miss, thus going to waste. This also means loss of energy and combo points. Misses can seriously screw up your dps cycle and can result in a lot of dps loss.

You need something like 360 (not precise figure) +hit to minimize chance to miss with your offhand, and it's well worth going for something imbetween 250-350, even though I'd say, the more the merrier.

Crusader is better because you want to maintain a high sustained DPS instead of relying on crits. You are not a druid, who get their DPS from crits. You should be stacking agility en masse right now. Crusade is passive +70 AP (correct?).

Once you achieve a certain level of gear, say T5+ standard, you should think about going for crit, but not just right now.
Thanks for the advice Frater apperciate alot

And yes we are crap but a very new guild come on mate gives us a chanceTongue
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FrogMan Wrote:Thanks for the advice Frater apperciate alot

And yes we are crap but a very new guild come on mate gives us a chanceTongue
If I were you, I'd get out of that guild as soon as possible. Basically, people join Kara guilds, whore as much gear as possible and then **** off to a guild that does 25mans. The chances that you will make it to Gruul from Kara with a bunch of noobs is nearly 0. Just say that you're sorry and join a guild that is progressing in SSC and TK Smile And you will have way more fun, trust me.
Lol i know i will but this was guild started by us who were not lvl70's even so we pacing it plus i dont have the type schedule(self employed) sadly to be able to say to a big guild i can be here and here at these time.

and what u think of 4hit+4agility gems?

Any other ways to get up +hit i changed all my gems (check out again pls)????
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FrogMan Wrote:Lol i know i will but this was guild started by us who were not lvl70's even so we pacing it plus i dont have the type schedule(self employed) sadly to be able to say to a big guild i can be here and here at these time.

and what u think of 4hit+4agility gems?

Any other ways to get up +hit i changed all my gems (check out again pls)????
You changed a few, but you still lack hit.
Use +4 hit +4 agi in red sockets, like in your boots. Change one of those gems again, red socket to +4/+4. You will lose 1 hit but gain 4 agi, worth it.
Also, change gem in bracers to +8 hit.

You have way too much PvP gear, which is generally poor for hit.

Upgrades which I'd recommend getting.
Definately, definately try to get hold of Wastewalker Chest + Shoulders. Chest is easy to get, heroic BF, the shoulders are a real bitch. I ran heroic Crypts every day for 2 weeks before I got them. Shitty heroic, but easy if you have a non-nobrain group.

Those items are insane for hit.
3 yellow sockets in chest = 24hit
2 sockets in shoulders = ignore socket bonus, go for 2x8 hit
Extra 16 hit on shoulders
2 piece set bonus = +35 hit.

That's 24 + 16 + 16 + 35 = 91 hit
****ing insane. Definately try to get hold of those.

The other upgrade, like I already mentioned is Skulker's Greaves from Netherspite. Socket with 3x8 hit, or even buy 3x10 hit gems from some BT guild. Yes, those legs are that good. Only legs with 60 hit in the game, you won't change them until T6.

EDIT: actually, I was thinking about it, since you already have nice shoulders but some other parts of your gear are poor, I'd recommend getting Wastewalker legs before you get Skulker's. Or maybe Helm, since you don't have a meta gem right now. Definately a step up from Cobrascale. Hands are fine as well, but you should go for either Legs or Helm and use T4 Hands.

EDIT2: Oh, and I also realized that you have the wrong leg enchant. Gladiator (PvP gear) should ALWAYS have Stamina and Agility leg enchant. The crit and AP one is for PvE, so put those on your new legs. And get the epic version.
Yea i the ap ones for a little pve on my side and really thanks for the help. What do u think of Primal Strike Set? Or and what about the midnight leagaurds from herioc SP?

Also from The Boj Rewards i see there are only rogues items for head, legs and bracers only i see the bracers and legs dont have hit rating but still should i get any1 of those or should i replace my helm with the BoJ helm bec it has hit rating? or even the boots?
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Rogue is the only class i have not leveled past 19 so i can be of no help here but it looks like fraters got it.

comeon people more posts more posts theres nothing but news going on in here Sad
Hey Frogman, Frater asked me to write a little about gearing your rogue so here i am. ^_^

According to the armory you are specced 19/42 The World of Warcraft Armory

I'd go for 20/41 like me (Taintedlove <Hüljatud> Outland), 90% of all raid bosses fuction with murder therefore you are already losing 2% of damage by not taking that talent and you are missing two points from vile poisons that could increase your overall dps by another 1% (making a guess about this one). Going from maces to swords will increase your dps by another 3%. Since it's so easy to get swords now i'd drop maces for s1 swords asap. With these small changes you can already increase your dps by 5% easily.

Head: upgrade to Mask of the Deceiver - Items - World of Warcraft if you are having trouble getting the t4 head but getting t4 head + gloves should be your goal from kara the rest is not as important.

Neck: worgen claw is very nice neck although the heroic badge one has 1 more hit. hint hint ^^

Shoulders: your ones are fine although since you have leatherworking i would strongly recommend that you buy swiftstrike shoulders recepie from ah and upgrade to those shoulders, they are comparable to t6. Swiftstrike Shoulders - Items - World of Warcraft

Back: defo get Vengeance wrap Thottbot World of Warcraft: Vengeance Wrap cheap to craft and so on although it's worse than the aran's one.

Chest: Upgrade to primalstrike.

Bracers: i'd craft swiftstrike bracers again since they are boe buy HoD-s from some bt guild and let them craft them for you too.

Hands: t4 is a must with the helm

Belt: craft blet of deep shadow Belt of Deep Shadow - Items - World of Warcraft

Legs: get midnight's but aim for these Skulker's Greaves - Items - World of Warcraft socket them with 10 hit gems, buy from ah and that will make them better than t5, so the only upgrade would be t6.

Boots: heroic mark boots defo, best dps boots in game no upgrades unless you want more stamina then there is a upgrade in bt.

Rings: Get vindicators instead of the halloween one, aim for both kara rings in the end though.

Trinkets: wrath is garbage, ditch it asap. Buy the blessings deck, it gives you constant 120 ap in combat basically. and have battlemaster's trinket in your inventory. Bloodlust trinket is nice but i like to drink haste pots after every 2 min therefore i use the battlemaster trinket just in case i need to pot for health.

Refere here for more information about your rogue. Roguecraft 101 - Elitist Jerks

Main thing is to farm your epic mount asap and then craft the bracers, shoulders, belt and blessings deck. Before i started raiding i had those items ready and it shows that you are interested so endgame guilds are more likely to take you on board. I've stopped raiding for some time myself and done pvp only but now i feel like getting back into it now.

Forgot throwing weapon, the arena ones are garbage for pve, craft felsteel throwing knives.

Since haste was nerfed aroud the same time i stopped raiding i'm also going to spec swords from next week onwards, i'm getting my s3 swords. ^_^

Pre haste nerf dragonstrike compared to sword spec, like i posted earlier in this thread.

Warcrafter > armory faster and there is a rendering option <3

Btw one more thing i'd like to mention pvp not set epics are garbage if you wanna do arena get 4 piece gladi use swiftstrike shoulders and the rest pve gear with lvl 70 pvp trinket and battlemaster. Rogues with 400 resiliane are retarded i've been rank 2 in s3 2v2 with little over 200 resiliance using that setup. The idea is to do damage not tank. ^^
Thanks loits this helps me a hell of alot, really appreciate it.
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I still prefer daggers, just like em more. 20/0/41 build 4k ambush. <3 Dual Gladiator Shivs. Smile
[Image: kratos-1copy.jpg]
Josherz Wrote:I still prefer daggers, just like em more. 20/0/41 build 4k ambush. <3 Dual Gladiator Shivs. Smile
It's not bad for farming or owning noobs in AV, but if you want endgame content, i.e. arena and raiding, ditch Shadowspec and daggers.
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:It's not bad for farming or owning noobs in AV, but if you want endgame content, i.e. arena and raiding, ditch Shadowspec and daggers.

Thats true, but AV is the easiest way to get all my glad gear. I was a sword rogue before.. once I do get all of em I might switch.
[Image: kratos-1copy.jpg]

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