10-30-2008, 08:48 PM
Fuggle Wrote:My main's a Spriest as a couple people know, and I can pump out 1400 dps or so in raid environments. Shadow is the weakest dps class atm and blizz still refuses to listen to anybody about them. Gogo Dispersion most useless 51 point talent ever. I plan on going holy in Wrath or leveling my prot pally.That's pretty shit Fuggle, I could probably do 1400 on my priest (did ¬1300 prepatch) and I don't practically have any raid gear. Our priests in SWP are doing about 2k atm.
SpoonMan999 Wrote:Crit is more important than before due to the fact that mind flay can crit now.Even for classes that scale extremely well with crit (and spriest isn't one of them), it's still a subpar stat.