07-11-2010, 05:29 AM
My sorc keeps leaving items on the ground. Rune Master ettin axe, left on the ground. I went back into the game and picked it up and id'd it and it didn't meet my pickit requirements but, the bot didn't know that, right? She also is picking up runes thul and up. I changed her so that she would pick them up and then I took it off but, she won't stop. I have checked my pickit thoroughly. Its set on extreme. I've checked on normal, advanced and extreme to make sure that she shouldn't pick up low runes in all stages of the pickit, just in case. Is she shot? Do I need to download again? I'm scared to try because I had a lot of problems getting running this time around. I currently don't put anything in where it asks for the cdkey. I leave it blank and now it works. It won't work otherwise.