05-20-2004, 09:23 PM
Saddam, killed thousands of Kurdish civilians while testing out his chemical capabilities, when he invaded them back in the 90's which sparked the first gulf war. We sopped him then, and i was the right thing to do from a moral point of view. Had we not intervened he would of gone on to kill millions. He should of been shot back then, but he wasn't.
Osama and Al Qaeda (not sure about the spelling there) had committed atrocities against most major governments. He had to be stopped before he did any more damage. There will always be grey areas, but all we can do is go by our own moral standard, and uphold that throughout the world. Were we not to do that then the world would be a horrific place to live.
Countries HAVE to think outside of their own borders. And should those countries have the power to change the world for the better, I think it a good thing that they do.
Osama and Al Qaeda (not sure about the spelling there) had committed atrocities against most major governments. He had to be stopped before he did any more damage. There will always be grey areas, but all we can do is go by our own moral standard, and uphold that throughout the world. Were we not to do that then the world would be a horrific place to live.
Countries HAVE to think outside of their own borders. And should those countries have the power to change the world for the better, I think it a good thing that they do.