05-23-2004, 12:03 AM
Jeez. Ok this is simple, Bush screwed up when he gave Osama..what was it? 35 days? 30 days? Heck he screwed up if he gave him 2 days before we sent troops in to kick his butt. After that, invading Iraq, maybe he had concern from his advisors that told him there were weapons there, in which case any HUMAN can make mistakes, and last time I checked, everyone working for Bush and Bush himself were all HUMAN, which makes them liable to make a huge mistake. I am not saying it is ok what he has let happen in Iraq, I am saying that he made a mistake doing what he did and it has cost the lives of countless American soldiers. I think Bush needs to be replaced, not by any of the current candidates, but by someone who is MAN enough to admit the "GREAT" American government made a mistake and take the blame for it, unlike Bush, who is still hiding behind the untrue statement that there were chemical weapons in Iraq. Other than that Bush has done no more or less that most other presidents, so don't call him "dumb" because the sad fact of the matter is none of us could probably handle the pressure of running America, let alone do a half-way decent job of it. So think about the pressure he is under and that he IS human before you call him out as being "stupid" or a bad leader.