05-26-2004, 03:02 PM
Skye.. you dont see what bush has done so bad? Theres a war going on for god knows what.. we went over there and killed people which I dont even think it was about "weapons of mass detruction" in the first place... Its pretty much a crusade over there.. we went in and were forceing OUR belief system on them... He is damn near iliterate.. have you ever heard him give a speech he messes up on his words so much its funny watch LOL.. and also he makes so many references to god.. seperation of church and state anybody?.... He ACTUALLY thinks god wants him president and GOD wants him to be at war in Iraq WTF!!!... And Iraq is better off alone rather then everyone kill each other.. they want Anarchy let them have it for that I applaud them... The US soldiers treat them like shit I KNOW because my brother was over there and he said he treated them like shit.. Lycshiftz<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_49414", true); </SCRIPT> you need to back the hell off.. DOESNT SUPPORT MILITARY FUNDING??? WTF!!!!???? so your saying your happier with more weapons and people armed in this world? are you pro war??? People are people let them live their own life... AND AND AND AND HERES THE BIG DAMN THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our NATIONAL DEPT IS GETTING SO HIGH BECAUSE OF BUSH THATS A HUGE THING WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO PAY FOR HIS LIES!!!!!!