06-17-2004, 07:41 AM
Karant Wrote:Ok i got KaZaA a long time ago. I havent used it for more then a year, without deleting it. Though when i recently checked my shared folder i found a whole shiat load of porn and other programs i never downloaded. No one uses the program either! PLZ HELP ME!
i told u kazaa is a big ***in NO NO!its very unsafe shit even some of the popup blockers and virus blockers arent even safe it also screws with ur intenet settings and shit.maybe its becuase of my isa server but its really frekai nretarded.p2p never goes away even if uninstalll infact i dont think u can unistall jsut delte and that doesnt get rid of those annying cookies that screwes wiht ur comp.or its registry i forget.