08-13-2004, 12:59 PM
bluesky53 Wrote:You guys have me wondering just exactly what is meant by "buying forum access"wuhhhhhhh...
I know that spitfire has to pay an annual website lincense fee which he pays for himself Though I know nothing about these things, I would think that even if it were a non-profit organization that he should be charging for access equal to his cost. The problem with this is , I suspect the cost of administering a fee plan would be even more than the license bringing total cost to the point that each memebr's share would be unaffordable necessitating Spitfire to recruit commercial sponsors in violation of the site's policy rules and FCC law bringing the further expense of llegal litigation charges , government fines and the eventual collaspe of D2sector.net as we know it. They might even lock us all up as accomplices in a conspiracy to commit commercial fraud and then we might all have to manage to acquire computers in our jail cells in order to continue this thread. At least we wouldn't have to wonder what each other does in thier spare time.