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Low Level Dueler Guides
Hey, yeah. I need some help on building a low level dueler. They're not that common, but they're fun. :] Ok, so, I'm making a paladin and I'm leveling him to level 12. I need to know the gear, stats, skills, etc. It'd really help. :/ So uh...please post it. :] Thanks.
IMO, low level duelers are just pointless. You can't use the best gear and you don't have the best skills. I suggest you wait until like level 50+ for dueling.
Assassins and Pallys pretty much own the LLD and VLLD world.
Basicly for a pally or ne low lvl dueler part from sorc

where full sigs
have a lvl 6 might and a lvl 4 zeal the rest is up to u :laugh:
for health sigs give u a bit so only have like 100 health also sigs gives u life leech
if i where u id get urself to lvl 15 and get 2 manalds
so basicly full sigs with an isenheart sword and u be owning

although id say for a low lvl pker go a lvl 13 assassain mine does 200-300 damage (not bad for a lvl 12)
she uses the same equipment but a 3 socketed claw with 2 rubys and a spahire Confusedmartass2
hope that helps
Best go with +max dmg and AR jewels in all your items, then use death's set, along with angelic ammy and 2x ring, then your choice of boots, preferrably sander's if you can use them. Another good option is full clegaws. IMPORTANT: Do NOT use elemental damage items.
all socketed, get to level 19 i think? and add all 15max jewels.. i'd go sacrafise too, but thats me..

wear 2 sig items for LL, 1 manald, angelic ring, and angelic ammy

i'd use Rixot's sword too
Life leech does not work well (if at all) during duels, so don't get dependant on it.

And bloodrise is also a great weapon, with the open wounds on it.
totally right, leech is void pvp

that being said, go for def and/or plusses to life
Lifetap > Leech in PVP

and yes, sins own LLD
lvl12 duelers r kinda wierd weapon wise cuz u dont have many option.....asns own in vlld and pally own llds(18)....if u going lvl 12 use this gear:

head gear: max dmg/AR helm(jewels in a mask) OR biggins bonnet
armor: light plate with either max dmg jewels/rubies(life)/diamonds(AR)
death belt (NOT an option, the cannot be frozen is too valuable in lld-ing)
gloves: deaths(30ias, 15all res, almost imunity to poison) or bloodfists (fhr is very useful and the 20ias from deaths wont reach breakpoint, also life and min dmg)
boots: hasarus for fire res or if u go up one lvl cow king boots
rings/ammy: angelic no subsitutions
weapon: u can go with a unique or a max dmg wep[flails are ur best option](my lvl9 asn uses a 13-36 dmg blade talon)
shield: max dmg/AR heraldric shield is aweome if u get the right jewels but if u dont hav use pelta lunata(unique buckler)
charms: FULL INVENTORY of charms (+15life LC's, 15 poison dmg LC's and AR LC's[if ur low on AR])

*FYI: magical jewels go from 6-9 max dmg at lvl9 req (can go higher on rares), 21-40 AR, and 11-20%enhanced dmg||u can also get a prefix and suffix of the same mod, i have a 51 poison dmg LC for lvl 9 req (sceptic large charm of venom-has prefix and suffix of poison)*

str: as little as possible, use str glitch everywhere u can
dex: enough for max block including item bounses
vit: everything else
engy: none

zeal (can only put 1 cuz lvl12)
12 in sacrifice
3 in either defiance or might (if u have over 400def then use def if not then might)

dueling is rather tricky at first. ull have to duel a few times to get the hang of ur guy.
my vlld asn is rather godly but still has room for improvement. she has 300life, 1.2kAR and 620 max dmg(at lvl9).

thats more or less how im making my lvl18 dueler pally. this is all i remember right now but if u got any questions just post em up and ill try to hlp, or if u want guides or higher lvl llds (btw llds are lvl 29 and under cept for druids and sorcs which are 30)
Alright. Thanks everyone, it's been a great help. But uh, one problem...I kinda sorta don't know hot to get past Ancients. Care telling me how?
You're joking, right?

Roam around Ancient's Way until you reach the tunnel to arreat summit. Then click on the altar, then kill the ancients. Simple as that.
he maens getting past ancients w/o being req lvl....only way ive been able to do in 1.10 is to make char classic then get rushed as far as u want and conver to xpac......*CAUTION* in my experience with this, if u get to hell do hell b4 converting, ive got to hell 2 times and when i convert i can only make NM games......u can get passed norm and convert but u can only do quests in norm/nm, if u want hell u must do ALL ur hell quests b4 converting
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Err... What the heck does that say? Any AOL'er online?
elterion Wrote:IMO, low level duelers are just pointless. You can't use the best gear and you don't have the best skills. I suggest you wait until like level 50+ for dueling.

ok dude llders arent pointless man..they are sometime harder to make than hlds,or mlds..i have a lld kicker/lldsorc/lldnecro/lldpally/llddruid =pk anyone of your chars hostility just saying facts man

ok pert awsome guid i made...
lvl 30 necro build...
max clay golem...
14 into golem mastery...

WEP= thorns lvl 15 atleast

HELM=peasents cap

ARMOR=vipermage/bone rune word

RINGS=2x sojs

AMMY=plus 1,2 to necro summoning skills ammy..

BELT=ehh doesint really matter..string of ears ide say..

GLOVES=not really anything good for a summoner at this lvl on gloves so ide say frost burns or somethin to pretty much fill in the empty space..

BOOTS=same as ide say sanders....

this build owns becouse clay golem annoys everyone cuzz it slows you so people wont to kill it..
BUT with edge you get thorns... so they kill them selves in the prosses of trying to kill your golem .....easy pk

Illuminati Wrote:Hey, yeah. I need some help on building a low level dueler. They're not that common, but they're fun. :] Ok, so, I'm making a paladin and I'm leveling him to level 12. I need to know the gear, stats, skills, etc. It'd really help. :/ So uh...please post it. :] Thanks.

ive done loads of testing and come to a conclusion that pallys/sorcs/kickers/ own 9-30 duels and or lld.when i say sorc i mean blizz sorc fire sucks vs lld honestly and frozen orb is to weak when your lld so BLIzz sorc is way to go for an lld sorc...

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