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How do u kill dclone?
I see d clone and i find him what r some strategies i can use to kill him?
use one of these to kill him: a barb with pretty high resists and prevent heal
a hammerdin, zealot, or any pally with zeal and a high % crushing blow weapon
a sorc with a lower resist wand (blizzard is best)
a bone necro

thats about it for killing him

i may have missed a few
smiter with alot of cb he dies in 2-3 seconds
smiters do only hit once each time, i bet zeal would be faster
zeal may miss no matter how many times you swing smite always hits.

also my pally is smite/zeal smite works hella faster
not to mention you can hold a runeword(Black) that gives i think 50% cb
black gives 40 so i think u use rends+guiham's face use a ton of resist scs and u would do fine, having 75% crushing blow.
dont forget gore riders 4 cb, Dclone dies really fast from a javazno provided theres a foher with conviction in the game.
This works with any char. Make sure he spawns in Act 5 and go to Q1 waypoint. Avoid shenk and search for a unique monster. DClone spawns as that monster. Make DClone follow you to shenk and kill shenk. All monsters die, even DClone. Pick up your anni.
that trick doesnt work anymore cause people were getting way too many free annis
depends on the character. of course you will need high resistance no matter what.

<U><B>Barbarian</B></U>: berzerk with cb, Any cry that will lower his damage/resistance (forgetting name right now), frenzy or just high physical since his resistance is high.
*I have seen some kill diabloclone with using upgraded swordguards due to the resistances that are on it with an added leeching with just using frenzy so that may be an idea.*

<u><b>Amazon</b></u>: Jab with cb and good leech works. Slow missle is a disadvantage but her other skill works quite well i've noticed. You could try using decoy or the valkyrie as the decoy to lure diablo around.
*best chance is to raise the magic damage with cb. it seems to double.*

<u><b>Paladin</b></u>: Try lowering dclones resistance with conviction and using zeal or smite. whatever works best for you. some use blessed hammer if he is resistant to magic (blessed hammer is magic and physical but the system mistakes it as damage alone)

I'll get the rest to you at a later time
i know this sounds mabybe stupid, but HIGH and i mean HIGH open wounds works wonders w/ smite. my "zealot" (not even ment to use smite) can take almost nething out w/ 1 smite, because they bleed so fast and die.

another cool piece of info, my smite only does like 200 dmg, and i kill things in hell 1 hit
% open wounds ?
who cares i asm unstoppable

I am a god of hacks and item editors
good for you ... Confusedleeping:
the best thing to do is use a melee that has the natures peace ring on so that he cannot heal himself....and if you use a hammer thats good to but not too good wit elementals b/c he has lot o resist
silver_ice1212 Wrote:that trick doesnt work anymore cause people were getting way too many free annis
HINT: It still works with Blood Raven. Smile
i tried it with blood raven, it didint work either
anything that has ds, cb, ow and a high enough level helps. natures peace with open wounds is a good setup
trayne Wrote:anything that has ds, cb, ow and a high enough level helps. natures peace with open wounds is a good setup

yea ur right thats the best setup 4 it natures peace help alot and its cheap to get 1 now days to...

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