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 The Scottie Dog Who Knew Karate
There once was a young couple who lived in a town filled with crime. After three neighbors' houses had been robbed, the couple decided to get a guard dog.
So one day the wife went to the pet store and said, I need a good guard dog.
And the clerk replied, Sorry, we're all sold out. All we have left is this little Scottie dog. But he knows karate.
The wife didn't believe him so he said to the dog, "Karate that chair.
The dog went up to the chair and broke it into pieces, then he said to the dog, Karate that table. The dog went up to the table and broke it in half.
So the wife bought the dog and took it home to her husband who was expecting a big guard dog. But then she told her huspand that it knew karate, and he said (the poor guy!  Karate my :censored:....*butt*
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
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LMAO yup!:p
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
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i had a dog like that once. except you'd say his name (spot) and he's immediately start riding the leg of the person in front ofhim. disgusting dog.
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great.... I don't think we needed to know about that. My friend had a cat that could skateboard and thought it was a dog. It used to bark. It was really cool.
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LOL that is pretty cool!! I saw a dog on t.v. that seemed to be able to say * I love you*
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
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Nice i have a shitzu that when you say his name *clancy* he runs away... but my whole upper floor is tile... he never stops in time and eats the wall... probably why he has a flat face... lmfao
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hahahahahha. funny dog. my dog ricky is afraid of the guitar, the piano, the vacuum, and the cat. and he won't go in the bathroom. bath day is hell. (course, i'm afraid of the cat too. evil little *****. i've got a story for you, lemme tell ya what. if you're interested, then post yeah, let's here it.)
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Sure, let's hear your story. I'm interested in hearing about devil cats, I've known a few myself...
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Her name is sarah, ricky rescued her from the woods when she was a kitten. I win, Tich.
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well, this is a story related to me by my mother after the fact. now, this cat, named sara, was found by our dog ricky (black lab) and brought home. we live out in the middle of the country and assholes just dump cats and kittens out there. then we have about thirty wildcats roaming around, terrorizing, etc. have to put them down.. anyways... right from the start, before she could even walk, she was a little bundle of fury. we go over to see what it was that ricky had, and it's all black and furry... and hissing. so we sponged it off ('twas covered in mud) and put it in a box, from which it promptly escaped. ever heard of a tortoise-shell type cat? meaner. than. shit. anyways, past the background info, to the story.
One day, Sara (as we named her), was upstairs meowing. usually, she and my mom just sit up there and watch tv or something. however, mom was busily cooking dinner. so sara's just meowing away, calling mom, and mom's meowing back or something. anyways, the little pissant flies down the stairs, latches onto my mom's ankle, bites the shit out of it, then runs back upstairs before my mom can evn turn around. hell hath no fury like sara scorned.
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That is interesting, and actually, I believe it... I know how cats can get sometimes, and they can be so innocent, and then all of a sudden they think you're their worst enemy or something and they become satan himself!!! Why are cats so weird??
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go to, click on cat haiku on the right. you don't know poetry until you've read those. some of them take some thinking though.
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then im out. No thinking for this...I like cheese.
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Mmmm. Cheese.... :drool: That make me think... Does anyone have any stories about rats or mice? No fictional stories of course.
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not really a story... but yeah.. it involves that cat again. she let a mouse get away. the mouse was half dead, and she let it get away.
my brother and i were out snowmobiling on New Years' Eve. all of a sudden, austin (my brother, in case you couldn't immediately figure that out) stops and jumps off. he'd run over this mouse and it was digging around in the snow trying to escape. but aussie snags it, takes it back to the house, and we show it to mom. the things just sitting there in his hand and trembling... so we give it to sara. she bats it around, then picks it up, and drops it right next to the woodpile. the thing was gone before anyone could do anything about it.
stupid cat
also: my father and i were working on the pump house roof, which really needed a new one. then we here all of this really loud squawking/chirping. we turn and see sara run under this wood pile with a baby starling in her mouth, and there was a cloud of adult starlings just circling her. so she sets it down, and is just sitting there under the wood, with a flock of big black birds over her head. it was kinda funny... kinda weird... kinda scary. like the story/movie The Birds. 'cept... they did it for a reason.
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You said stupid cat....You gave a mouse to a cat and it ate it, then you call the cat stupid...that almost makes sense.. You amaze me with your twisted logic.
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no..... I think what he was saying was that the cat set the mouse down, and it ran away.... because the mouse wasn't dead or anything.... i think....
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lordravens right. read the friggin story. i gave the cat the mouse, and it put it down, played with it, walked around near it, then the thing escaped into the woodpile.
kellard, thou art un dumbass.
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I read the story, and lordraver wasnt 100% sure he was right. Maybe you should be more clear you fockerhead.
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