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divine/demonic war RPG
( Elite Evil : Satan ( Chief of the "clan" ) )

*Spawning from HELL at 50 meters of the battle between Evil side and Heaven's side*

- Me, Satan , Chief of Elite Evil will kill this f***ing Divine Ninja!!!!! Mouhahahahah!!!!!!

*Casting a hole under Divine Ninja to make him fell in the Hell's Fire*
*looks at the supposed satan*
"you are nothing you have no control over me"
*begins to charge at the satan and attacks it slashing and thrishing piercing its skin bleeding it*
**Bleeding**...**Regenarating almost instantly**
-Lollll...Maybe I can't do nothing on you but my minions can!!!!:devilish:
**All the blood's dips that felt on ground ( like 200 ) transforms into Minions of Satan ( Most Powerfull demon of Satan's Army )**
-Kill him!!!
**The Minions jumps on Divine Ninja and cuts all his members ( ALL...including THE MEMBER ( )**
**Divine Ninja is left with all the damned souls in the Hell's Jail...A prison where u can't evade unless Satan wants you to...**
Tahu: enters the void, joins the side of good, eats 18 cans of chilli, walks over to "satan", pulls out a lighter, turns around, bends over, puts the lighter to his a$$, and releases the fury

the result is a radioactive green haze, a burning rubber smell between the 2 land masses, and one sore A$$ hole.
**Sniffing the burnt gaz...**
**Putting a gaz mask**
-Ahh....Now it smels good....
**Turns around Tahu and shoot him with devil's tail so hard that Tahu loose all his blood and fell in coma...**
-Ahahaha...Good 4 u!!!!
"wow you ARE stupid"
*takes out katana of holy wraith and destroy's the cell*
"what in the hell were you trying to do "
*walks up to "satan" grabs his arm and rips the skin right off revealing a puny nerd*
"as i thought!"
*grab's "satan",ties him to a tree and makes a fist right infront of his face*
*the fist begins to glow and i dissapear*
*a second later i appear on the other side on the tree*
*"satan" body became mush with major indents in the tree*
"bah "satan" my ***, the real satan is over there* points to the giant ominous demon which is extramly pissed* now you 2 have fun,ok*satan grabs "satan" and brings him to the 10th lvl of hell he made a tenth just for you "satan" was never seen again*
*summons hordes of undead to fight off stans minions*
*takes a branch and shoves it up tahu's arse and pluges his wepon up*
*uses blood rage to cut off satans leg then throws a poison mixture on it to make sure he cant reg it
the undigested chili somhow majically restores tahu to life and disolves the tree loged up his a$$
he runs away laughing at everyone who now has cancer from the radiation.

note: im wearing a lead suit somehow now.
** Satan as been killed but his boy is coming back more powerful than b4....**
** Jr. Comes and kills everybody in the Heavens ( including gods and angels ...etc ) to make angry Divine Ninja and Tahu... **
tahus becomes very angry, tahus hair turns golden, tahu apears behiend satans son, tahu ripps out the soulstone from satans sons head and shoves it into his own, satans son then dies and tahu becomes 100x more powerfull then before and is to good to be corrupted by the soulstone

Tahu then becomes a god becouse of all the occupation openings

note this is what i look like now
*Uses magic to stop the cancer*
*uses telepathy to create a demon portal underneathe jr and then banishes him from this exsistence*
you mean you desposed of his lifeless corpse
Man...guyz can't you read!!!!!
Quote: you can do practaly anything but be imortal or any instant win move since it would ruin this entire rpg other than that is all good, just have fun
This includes killing me 2x in 1day simply by sending me to Hell or removing a stone from my head....Confusedmartass2

Nice to be a SuperSaiyan but u can't kill Satan ( or anybody ) in 1hit....
It's cheap to play when u get killed every 2-3
well find another way out of hell, its not besides you change your char should have complained earlier
quit wineing and get resurected somhow

besides you chose satan and his weekness happens to be that he has a stone in his head that will kill him if removed

also i had to get stronger somhow, you thought id survive blowing meaty chilly stink out my a$$?
Oh..I didn't knew about Satan's HeadSoulStone....

Ya maybe I'll create a new char cuz now that I know Satan's bad side....

**Satan and Satan Jr. are both died but a new enemy is coming from the 13th dimension...**
**It's an CorruptedSpirit that can't be seen by anybody and can't be damaged by anybody EXCEPT by God...**
**Unfortunaely, Satan as killed all the Heaven's people including God so now...He's invisible and unkilleable unless you know the only way to kill him....Only him knows how he could die or how he could be seen...**
**This spirit has dominated all the dimensions EXCEPT the 3th ( The 1 where humans lives and where the fight is occurating )**

mouahahahaha!!!!!!!!:devilish: :laugh:
your forgeting that i have become god

my first tasks as god are:

I appoint beholder as my general

I resurect all of the fallen warriors that were slain by satans son in heaven
((( Ne1 plays USWEST SC-NL ???? )))
nah im east
...So...Only you can see me and kill me but I'm wearing a suit that protects me from you and that can't be removed by anybody except me and can't be touched by anybody except me or he'll immediatly die without having the chance to resurrect or something like that.....

( PS: I made that only God can see me or kill me cuz it's said in the rules that we can't be invincible....So....LOL )

**Spirit goes to see God and make a deal with him...
I'll join the Heaven's Side if u let me control all the 3th Dimension....**
**Waiting 4 God's Answer...**

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