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loading d2jsp
ok, i did everything in the tutorial, i open autod2jsp, configure everything, i hit save, then start. it still says its status is "not running". then i loaded up the game, put it on the login screen, and opened autojsp.exe and hit install, and it starts running now. but it keeps loging in to the wrong acount/pass. i set it up to go to the right one. so then i logged in myself and then ran autod2jsp, but it runs the pindle bot and i put andyxp.d2j in the default.d2j :[ can anyone answer this?
yeah you didnt set it up right try again,Try the readme files in your d2jsp folder also
ah... i edited the starter.d2j and it works, didnt see that in the tutorial, but anyway, she kills meph then disconnects and makes a new game, i dont think shes picking anything up. how do u specify what you want her to keep?
your pickit files in settings,also having zpickit installed will cause it not to pick up items
hmm...i want her specificly to pick up unique rings, how do i do that? also, i get a realm down every few runs, what are the best delays to add in the starter.d2j at createtimeout/gamecreatedelay/loginwaittimeout to not get realm down?
you will continue getting realm downs no matter what you set the create delays at but the delay settings are in scripts file autostarter.d2j.Try using a multi mf script and you never get realm downs,or setting the start game delay in libs folder file MXP_Config.d2l for meph

best multi mf script and has been around for along time is dariens multi mf/lvl etc script

default is already set to pickup unique rings
what does a multy mf script do? also, where do i get it?
multi mf will do any boss you set it up for.
I have one attached on this page a few posts down
but get familiar with it before trying it everything you need to know is in all the readme files follow those and you cant go wrong unless you make alot of typos lol
i cant just make large game delays so i dont get realm down? ive ran ipfinder and it has a rather large delay, i got no rd. caues i dont really want to do more than one boss. also, does it sll the stuff it picks up? i saw a ring in the invintory and it sold it, i couldnt see what type it was.
there are all kinda read me files look for em a read me file doesnt always start with Read Me
but its in the dariens libs folder/LevelBot_Include
you really should read all the read me files for d2jsp it tells you everything,same for each bot.
i heard there is a line in a d2i in the libs folder that delays the time in wich the bot starts, i cant just add a delay there? if so where do i do that?
look up I already told ya once #6
ive talked to people that had this bot and they said they added delays in the andyxp file, and never get rd, i added the delays but she doesnt seem to wait. why wont the delays work
first of all your not supposed to edit the andyxp file if you read it,It tells you do not edit this file edit axp_config.If something doesnt work you didnt do it right try reading next time
i never saw any readme. take it easy i just got to looking at this today! anyway, yea i saw the axp and edited that. put the bot script back to default, now it waits a minute and a half before doing the run, yay no rd. pls answer this though, if a unique drops it will stash it right?
Yes it will pick up the uniq ring and stash it. If specificied, it will Id the ring and if its one that you told it to keep, it will keep it and stash it. If not, it will sell it. To check what your picking up, go to your d2jsp folder, Scripts, Settings, and open Snagit_xp. To check what items you keep and dont keep, go to d2jsp folder, scripts, settings,, Bmitems_xp. It'll be self explanatory once u see it.
thanks for the help both of you
can you guys help me i got my bot all installed i launch the bot and my sorc just stands there adn doesnt move at all im stumped and its getting late..

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