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My Bar
wut u get and i dont have a clue
*takes the bag and puts it in a small vault*
" i dont trust it, it gave me a freaky look"
*shows the others the freaky look*
*after over hearing the conversation in the back room because he was taking inventory, goes into the darkest back room and announces he has to change clothes* *puts on double threaded mythrill armor and a dragon scale helm, boots, and gloves* *opens a trunk and pulls forth his ancient Great Flame Claymore, and proceeds to recite the inscription on the blade to himself. Pulls a small ruby from a cloth sack and puts it into his pocket, knowing the power of this ruby, and planning to use it for good..exits room* *returns to the bar and motions for Pam to come over* *Lord of Fire at your service my lady*
i step out of the bath smelling fresh go back to my seat and continue to drink my apple juice (smelling fresh so DROP THE BAD SMELLING THING)
*unveils his Frosted Shield of Valor and prepares to vanquish all who stand in the way of the adventurers. Also decides if people in the bar don't leave erizoe alone they can either buy him new clothing and shut up or just shut up, before they meet my sword up close and personal*
*Pamela smiles at her 2 dear friends thu tear filled eyes*Thinks to herself...GOBBLINS!...the city destroyed...her parents in hiding...and her brother after the throne! Will he stop at nothing until all is laid to waste and she is dead?

*turning to Splintercell she takes in his new attire and a small gasp of admiration escapes her lips*
*Mithril armor...none better in all the lands!! Pamela suddenly feels a hope ...a CHANCE of defeating her brother!*

*Pamela extends a hand to Splintrcell...and says in a firm voice* ^ Take this my freind, it will allow you to call me from anywhere in this land...simply speak my name twice and I will portal to you...this is a magic ring my Father gave me while I was very young...and it works both ways..If I need you dear friend I may summon you as well^*Pamela places the ring on his hand and closes it gently*

*Turning to Eri..Pamela places a delicate hand upon his shoulder and looks him in the eye*

I know this was diffucult for you to tell me and I know you searched the many lands to do so!

I thank you for this...but as for now...we are all in great brother will NOT give up...maybe it is time to stop running and...draw him here...know WILL be a bloody battle!

We need a strategy for obviously he has managed to find me yet again...I trust you both with my life...but we may need help...

*Pamela turns away for a brief moment and struggles to accept that a confrontation has finally come...knowing she may not survive...yet welcoming the battle*

I am tired of running..I am a warrior...and an Elvan Princess...I choose to stand and fight!

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
i will assist you. i just hvae to charge my magic. i can make a energy sheild around this place 30 feet but it might kill me. it will only last for a few hours though. and after that i will need to reast 3 days. i would rather die 40 times than see you killed. *you see erizoe begin to meditate he is muttering a strange mantra*

1 hour later

ok i will begin *you see a thin almost invisable ring of silvery light surround and fill the bar. erizoe is crouched down obviously putting all of his effort into the shield*
*goes back to his trunk and brings back a Tunic of Hellfire for erizoe, here this will add a bit of "heat" to that shield as you wear it* *pulls a dusty whistle from his pouch and calls his faithful dragon to his side* *a towering beast standing no less than 12 feet tall and weighing 7 tons, the dragon stands guard until given orders*
the sheild suddlenly turns silvery red. you can tell that if evil goes near is then they are screwed
* Pamela looks at the Dragon with awe and great respect..Bringing her dagger forth in a solemn manner she places it over her heart and kneels in respect before the powerful ally*
*Standing errect and proudly she opens her arms in act of absolute trust*

I thank you for the help...I know this will be much easier now!*Lifts a hand to her face and absently strokes her cheeck...seeming lost in thought*

I will have to Kill brother...but I know not if the assasins will continue in their efforts to hunt me!

* Pamela begins chanting in a soft voice...the language unknown and her eyes flash over to bright crimson image appears before her*

* She sees a face ...Seprious in in a room with 10 demons...he seems to have some ~hold~ on them......Pamela shivers and her eyes brim with sudden tears*

*Shaking her head angrily she strengthens resolve..knowing that finally there is no other choice!*

*With a heavy sigh she tosses her waist lenght hair over her shoulder and secures it quickly into a thick braid*

Come friends...let us decide our best chance of winning....* Leads them all outside and to a private place that she feels safe in*

OOC((Happy Thanksgiving all!! I have to cook now..see you all soon))

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
erizoe desperately stands up walking outside with splintercell and pam. the light shield seems to dim a little but it is still there. we begin to descus the plans OOC(happpy thanksgiving to you to)
*an unknown warrior that follows the tides of fate appears from the shadows, knowing that he might be a threat he puts his hands up showing that he is no harm to them.*
I understand that you need assistance with something. Maybe I can be of some sort of help?
(I was bored atm so I fooled around with my FFXI model viewer and made what my guy would look like hehe, oh and Happy Thanksgiving! EAT THAT TURKEY!!!)

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*after a hearty meal and a handshake with the new warrior, commands the dragon to allow erizoe to ride him, since eri will need all his strength* *dont worry, he doesnt bite unless I command he to do so, climb aboard and dont be scared, as he will protect you* *walks with Pam to a safe sanctuary, with a wary eye always watching* (btw all Happy Thanksgiving and eat up!)
*Runs after everyone else*
"I bet we can help... *Looks back at macro still eating* RIGHT macro"
*In a small glen close to the bar that has been her home for these past few years Pamela sits with her small enterage of warriors and her Dragon ally*
*Noding to the stranger that has offred help she knows instinctivly he is a friend*
*The night is cool and the stars are bright...a beautiful sight on any other occasion....a stark contrast to her dark and tortured thoughts! A soft breeze arises and stirs the stray hairs that frame her face*
*Pamela is quiet for a time...thinking of all that has occured...and in sudden inspiration knows the answer to this dilema*

*With a heavy sigh of resignation...and knowing that this was inevitable Pamela begins to speak*

We can not wait for him to find me again ...the only way to end this is to find him first and put an end to him!His Gobblin army has destroyed my Home and sent my parents into hiding...I can not WILL not allow this!I am not just a Princess...I am a powerfull mage...My brother..Seprious,has made a deadly mistake in underestimating that will cost him his life!

I suggest we take the fight to him...and ambush he and his demons as he tried to do to me!

This will be bloody...I thank you all for the support!*Pamela begins to rise and smiles trace of joy in her delicate features *

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
*prepares to ride off to battle on his dragon, I suppose we all shall need a mount for this battle?* *calls forths the horses of Appolo's charriot for his companions to mount* *mounts his dragon with erizoe and commands the dragon into flight* *Stay close everyone, Eri's shield will only reach so far out!!*
i start to move a little as we aproach closer and closer to the demon fortress. i collaps. unconscience. i look like at any sudden movement i am about to fall to my death. even worse the shield is now gone. we are about 3\4 of the way there.

OOC what do you do now hehehe
(we uhh, don't die?) *pulls his sword from it's sheath and takes his shield up into his hands as we land, to approach slowly and cautiously*
[QUOTE=erizoe]i will assist you. i just hvae to charge my magic. i can make a energy sheild around this place 30 feet but it might kill me. it will only last for a few hours though. and after that i will need to reast 3 days.QUOTE]
*then rest, it may take days to get there from here on foot, even after travelling thus far on mounts*
lets all get some rest for now, we'll need the energy for later on.
*sits down and closes his eyes and starts to meditate*

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